What is Fleeting Obsessions?

Welcome to my own little corner of the digital world. My name is Krista, and here you can find my fleeting obsessions.

Art has always been a part of my life. The medium changes as quickly as the weather, but I am always creating. This year I decided to make my art my career. After the “Covid” years changed everything about my life, I needed to make a change to take control of my own happiness again and another office job was only going to make this harder. Like so many others, I have struggled the last few years to find my place again in this world. I bounced around from one idea to another, but nothing stuck. I needed passion and love for what I was doing, and I had lost that for my previous career. I enjoy so many things, but I love to create. I love to learn.

I started in December 2021 with gnomes! I saw a post on Pintrest and thought, “I could make those! I have some great ideas!”. It started with gifts for friends and family and has led me here. I received such an amazing response from the gnome making community that I decided to expand. I began taking custom requests and participating in social media. I had more ideas than I had time to create them.

Then one day my Mom gave me a garbage bag filled with yarn leftover from her previous craft project. I had no idea how to knit, or crochet. I had no idea at all what to do with it all. Thankfully, my Grammy had the solution. She gathered her materials and gave me a full set of crochet hooks and some great advice. I hit the internet and started watching how-to videos. This gave way to a new obsession, crochet!

My obsessions may change, but my love for creating will never waver. I am so excited to show all of you what I have created and what I will continue to create. Art is ever changing and so am I.

I hope you find something that brings you happiness!

*I would like to mention that without the love and support of my husband, friends, and family this would not be possible. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting me as I start this adventure.